
  • Journey

                                       Taken at siem reap, cambodia Keep walking.. nothing will happens if…

  • Cambodia-Thailand Crossing Border

    Salah satu hal penting yang perlu dilakukan sebelum ber-backpacker ke suatu tempat…

  • Broken

                                        Taken at siem reap, cambodia i heard a deep wound that…

  • Ruins

    Ruins shouted louder about history ~ blueismycolour T, 2014-10-9 Posted from Negeri…

  • Reflection

    You can be whatever you want to be, as long as when…

  • Travelling (never) Alone

    Siapa yang tidak suka mengunjungi tempat baru dan melihat hal-hal baru? Dapat…

  • Next (right) Step

    Sometimes in life we doubt which way we need to take, we…

  • Another path

                                   Taken at siem reap,cambodia Death is only another path that we…

  • Gift

    Sometimes God gift you in unpredictable form. You ask to become more…